خطاب نصار. US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire

On the defensive side, the military says it thwarted a number of attempted raids, destroyed dozens of anti-tank guided missile teams, and intercepted seven drone attacks and two naval attacks There are 565 active cases in Israel, with 61 people in serious condition
WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said a total of 8,538 people had been injured across Palestinian areas during the violence, and 30 health facilities in Gaza had been damaged — with one clinic fully destroyed and another sustaining significant damage And I know that applies to people in Israel, too

Delta Air Lines plans to operate its first flight from New York to Tel Aviv since early last week on Friday night, with the first return trip on Sunday.

US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
We will bring the perpetrators of this vicious act of hate to justice
US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
We will respond with a whole new level of force to every instance of aggression against the Gaza-envelope communities or anywhere else in Israel
US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and, behind them, Shin Bet chief Nadav Argaman, at a press conference after the Gaza ceasefire, Tel Aviv, May 21, 2021
He also confirms reports that Blinken intends to visit the region soon We will bring the perpetrators of this vicious act of hate to justice
Robert Wexler in 2012 Courtesy of the Middle East Institute Both he and Wexler have familiarity with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict Such a tired, lazy take

Wexler particularly so, as he is currently serving as the head of the S.

US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
The Israel Defense Forces says 90% of the rockets aimed at populated areas in Israel were intercepted by the Iron Dome air defense system
US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
Thousands of people rallied in support of the Palestinians across Pakistan, hours after a ceasefire was announced between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist terror group which governs the Gaza Strip
US airlines resuming flights to Israel after ceasefire
Pakistan is fighting several low-level insurgencies in the impoverished province, waged by Islamist, separatist and sectarian groups