الهرم الغذائي. دليل الهرم الغذائي

""Essential fatty acids" in aquatic ecosystems: A crucial link between diet and human health and evolution" "Automated flow injection spectrophotometric non-aqueous titrimetric determination of the free fatty acid content of olive oil"
"Fish Consumption, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and Cardiovascular Disease" International journal of food sciences and nutrition 55 3 : 171—8

Am J Clin Nutr American Society for Clinical Nutrition 70 : 560—569.

دليل الهرم الغذائي
"Development of a vegetarian food guide" PDF
صور الهرم الغذائي
Diabetes 47 10 : 1613—8
ما هو الهرم الغذائي
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 60 5—6 : 329
An overview of evidence from cognitive and behavioral tests in humans and animals — McCann and Ames 82 2 : 281 — American Journal of Proper Nutrition" , Food Politics Berkley:University of California Press, 2002,• Am J Clin Nutr American Society for Clinical Nutrition 59 52 suppl : 1248S—1254S
Archives of Internal Medicine 123 3 : 299—313 "Effect of a high-monounsaturated fat diet enriched with avocado in NIDDM patients"

Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 23 2 : 20e.

التوضيح الهرم الغذائي ، الهرم وصفات صحية, الغذاء, وصفة, مثلث png
British Journal of Nutrition 96: S24—8
ما هو الهرم الغذائي؟ وما هي مكوناته؟
J Nutr 2002; American Society for Nutritional Sciences 132 132 : 1050—1054
ما هو الهرم الغذائي؟ وما هي مكوناته؟
: KF test-kitchen introduces the idea of foodgroups " in swedish
"Effects of n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids on Glucose Homeostasis and Blood Pressure in Essential Hypertension: A Randomized, Controlled Trial" Diabetes care 17 4 : 311—5
Can J Diet Pract Res 2007; Dietitians of Canada : 82—86 "Optimal Diets for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease"

The American journal of clinical nutrition 62 4 : 769—75.

الهرم الغذائي وال 5 مجموعات الخاصة به وكل التفاصيل الخاصة به
Analytica Chimica Acta 351: 291
تعريف الهرم الغذائي
Journal of the American College of Nutrition 20 1 : 5—19
التغذية السليمة
"Types of dietary fat and risk of coronary heart disease: A critical review"