صور جميله. Equatorial Coordinate System

This means that only one set of coordinates is required for each object, and that these same coordinates can be used by observers in different locations and at different times The is basically the projection of the latitude and longitude coordinate system we use here on Earth, onto the celestial sphere
Lines of longitude have their equivalent in lines of , but whereas longitude is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds east the Greenwich , RA is measured in hours, minutes and seconds east from where the celestial equator intersects the the At first glance, this system of uniquely positioning an object through two coordinates appears easy to implement and maintain

This is the preferred coordinate system to pinpoint objects on the.

صور جميلة 2021 اجمل صورجميلة رائعة HD
جميلة عوض سامح عبد العزيز طلب مني أكون حربؤة في حرب .. وصادفت في حياتي شخصيات مثل تمارا
The object itself has not moved — just the coordinate system
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We therefore need to append an additional piece of information to our coordinates — the


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