تعد الارض الكوكب الاول قربا للشمس. Al Moqatel

"On the origin of the High-Perihelion Scattered Disk: the role of the Kozai mechanism and mean motion resonances" 2 : Artistic impression of the Solar System, with all known terrestrial planets, as giants, and dwarf planets
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Talbert, Tricia 15 July 2015.

ترتيب الكواكب حسب قربها من الشمس .. أبعد الكواكب عن الشمس بالترتيب
"Integral-field spectroscopy of 90482 Orcus-Vanth"
ترتيب الكواكب حسب قربها من الشمس .. أبعد الكواكب عن الشمس بالترتيب
It will be the first to warp under the Sun's influence
الأرض أحد كواكب المجموعة الشمسية و تعد هي الكوكب الأول قربا للشمس
During the red giant phase the Sun will swell until its distended atmosphere reaches out to envelop the Earth and Moon, which will both begin to be affected by gas drag-the space through which they orbit will contain more molecules
; and Lunine, Jonathan I "Densities of Solar System Objects from their Rotational Lightcurves"
Sukyoung Yi; Pierre Demarque; Yong-Cheol Kim; Young-Wook Lee; Chang H The Moon is now moving away from Earth and by then will be in an orbit that's about 40 percent larger than today

43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

المجموعة الشمسية
cited data from: Lellouch et al
الأرض أحد كواكب المجموعة الشمسية و تعد هي الكوكب الأول قربا للشمس
Ree; Thibault Lejeune; Sydney Barnes 2001
كوكب خارج المجموعة الشمسية
"Orbits and Masses of the Satellites of the Dwarf Planet Haumea 2003 EL61 "
; Roberts, Julie; Tholen, David J " "TNOs are Cool": A Survey of the Transneptunian Region IV
Sukyoung Yi; Pierre Demarque; Yong-Cheol Kim; Young-Wook Lee; Chang H Lim, L; McConnochie, T; Belliii, J; Hayward, T 2005

44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference.

المجموعة الشمسية
; Emery 24 January 2014
حالة الأرض والجبال والشمس والكواكب مع نهاية العالم
and the Cassini Imaging Team July 18, 2007
المجموعة الشمسية
It will be the first to warp under the Sun's influence