مقال عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي. تعبير عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي مختصر

We will have developed much better technology Adopting transparency and objectivity by establishing centers for measuring government performance
The future could hold great opportunities for many people, but we will need to work at it We will now launch a first set of critical programs with the aim of achieving our goals and fulfilling our commitments

Work on a complete restructuring of the government in all ministries, and work as much as possible to improve government work.

تعبير عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي قصير
tahsin almamlakat nizam altaelim al'iiliktrunii bima yatawafar mae 'ihtyajat almujtamae watawfir furas eamal lilshaeb alsaeudii wa'an tusbih almamlakat alearabiat alsaeudiat dhat watan tumuh wamuzadhir wamutaqadim fi alsinaeat watahwil albalad 'iilaa dawlat ealamiat wahadithat waruyat 2030 fiha alkthyr min al'umur alty satatahasan liusbih almujtamae mutaqadim wamutatawir bijmie majalat alhayat aleamaliat waleilmiati
تعبير انجليزي عن 2030 نماذج متعددة
Work has been made to provide the finest and best health services to everyone who is on Saudi territory
بحث عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي
Our position will enable us to build on our pioneering role as the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds
Our third theme is built on effective, transparent, accountable, enabling, and high-performance government It has been prepared with broad community participation to take into consideration the objectives of various ministries and government agencies, and integrate the vision of both the private sector and the civil society International organizations, experts and academies, where the participatory approach is one of the clear foundations on which this strategy is based
We will also create the appropriate environment for our citizens, the private sector and the non-profit sector to shoulder their responsibilities and take the lead in facing challenges and seizing opportunities Everyone around the world will have to join together and help each other to solve problems that will eventually effect all of us

Saudi Arabia wants to stop its dependence on black gold.

بحث عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي
The nation is the nucleus of the Arab and Islamic world and it represents the heart of Islam
تعبير انجليزي عن 2030 نماذج متعددة
This is in addition to developing many public services, reducing bureaucracy and moving towards privatization policies
عبارات عن رؤية 2030 بالانجليزي مترجم
Therefore, we will develop our investment tools to open up our promising economic sectors, diversify our economy and create jobs