الحوت الأزرق تويتر. الحوت الازرق وهم ام حقيقة

Tinker, Whales of the World 1988, p Evidence for increases in Antarctic blue whales based on Bayesian modelling
Nemoto T, Kawamura A 1977 "Geographic variation in external morphology of North Pacific and Southern Hemisphere blue whales Balaenoptera musculus "

Marine Mammal Science 20 4 : 726—754• The Blue Whale: A Catalogue of Individuals from the Western North Atlantic Gulf of St.

أكبر حيوان في العالم الحوت الأزرق معلومات شيقة ورائعة
brevicauda, a new subspecies from the Antarctic in Whales, dolphins and porpoises Page s 79—113• Underwater sounds from the blue whale Balaenoptera musculus
#الحوت_الأزرق يتصدر تويتر.. ما حقيقة سماع صوته بمطروح؟ • مصر في يوم
The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats
حوت أزرق
Yochem PK, Leatherwood S 1980 In Jones ML et al
Increase rates in severely depleted stocks of baleen whales A review of food of balaenopterid whales

National Marine Fisheries Service 2002.

أكبر حيوان في العالم الحوت الأزرق معلومات شيقة ورائعة
Spanish Bonaparte J, Coria R 1993
الحوت الازرق … أنواعه وحياته وحقائق مرعبة عنه
Update COSEWIC status report on the blue whale Balaenoptera musculus in Canada
الحوت الازرق وهم ام حقيقة
Foods of baleen whales in the northern Pacific
Ameghiniana 30 3 : 271—282• Comparison between the complete mtDNA sequences of the blue and fin whale, two species that can hybridize in nature Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute 32: 155—197• Together with an account of the American whale-fishery
National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World Whalewatcher 24 2 : 12—15• Alex Kirby 19 June 2003

Southern blue and fin whales.

حقيقة سماع صوت مرعب للحوت الأزرق في سواحل مصر (فيديو)
The fossil record and phyletic relationships of gray whales
الحوت الأزرق (لعبة)
More then 300 people aged between 12-16 died all over the world as the result of playing this game
حوت أزرق
Stranding pp 1192—1197 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals Perrin, Wursig and Thewissen eds• Mingan Island Cetacean Study, St