حدد ثلاث مهام يجب على وزير الاقتصاد القيام بها. حدد ثلاث مهام اقتصادية ليس من وظيفة وزير الاقتصاد

He also met with high-level technical experts within the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Tadamoun Agency From 4 to 8 May, the Special Rapporteur undertook field visits to the wilayas of Gorgol, Brakna and Trarza
b Recognition of economic and social rights In international forums, Mauritania has consistently reaffirmed its obligations in relation to economic, social and cultural rights Obtaining the document is expensive for those living in extreme poverty, for appeals procedures one must go to the courts, and a host of bureaucratic arrangements have been introduced by law and practice which have the effect of deterring many applicants, most of whom happen to be Black

These groups make up over two-thirds of the population, but various policies serve to render their needs and rights invisible.

حدد ثلاث مهام يجب على وزير الاقتصاد القيام بها
The largest component of the Emel program is the Emel shops Boutiques Emel , a network of subsidized food shops around the country
Net primary school enrollments in wilayas such as Gorgol are as low as 65
حدد ثلاث مهام اقتصادية ليس من وظيفة وزير الاقتصاد
But World Bank data indicate that the rate was as high as 655 in 2013 and that it was 602 in 2015
Women are particularly affected by the virtual total absence of pre-natal and post-natal care I also met with a number of Directors-General and heads of national institutions, local representatives of ministries and national institutions, governors Wali , prefects hakem , mayors, the representatives of the relevant international agencies, ambassadors of States represented in Mauritania, and civil society representatives
e Accurate and disaggregated data Mauritania has a strong professional Office of National Statistics, but the ways in which many statistics are collected, analysed and presented by the Government bears the hallmarks of political interference Nor do the key rights seem to be recognized in any meaningful way in legislative form

Since the time of the adoption of the NSPS, most social protection efforts of the Mauritanian Government have however focused narrowly on food assistance, which is only one of the five pillars of the NSPS.

ii The cash transfer system and the Emel shops A significant part of social expenditure by the Government of Mauritania excluding education and health care is related to the so-called Emel program Arabic for hope , which started in 2011 in response to a severe drought and related food insecurity
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​الشؤون القانونية
First, the amount of 15,000 Ouguiyas per three months seems too low to have the desired impact on the lives of the targeted households
وزارة الاقتصاد والتخطيط (السعودية)
What is concealed today, will only come back to haunt the future