عرفت ان الظنون. عرفت ان الظنون اكبر خطية

Yes exactly as you understood it Hmmm for the second question, technically yes he means he hug her but as he is looking in the mirror he will be looking at himself so he hugs himself imagining he hugs her


Quote by رابعة العدوية: “عَرَفْتُ الهَوى مُذ عَرَفْتُ هواك وأغْلَقْتُ قَ...”
بوستات ومنشورات عتاب حزينة مكتوبة 2015/2016 جديدة
Thank you for this translation
Abdul Majeed Abdullah
In that case, should the first opening stanzas be 'I hug you, love you, and tell you what happened to me? ' Instead of I hug myself? I note you say your translation is not literal
but I can't help but wonder about something


Quote by رابعة العدوية: “عَرَفْتُ الهَوى مُذ عَرَفْتُ هواك وأغْلَقْتُ قَ...”
عرفت ان الظنون اكبر خطية


Abdul Majeed Abdullah
Abdul Majeed Abdullah