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College of Family Physicians of Canada It is also associated with various non-malignant, premalignant, and
"A virologic pilot study of valacyclovir in infectious mononucleosis" Chagas disease and African trypanosomiasis

It is one of the most common human viruses.

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National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
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infectious mononucleosis increased the risk of rash in amoxicillin users with a factor of 58
داء القبلات.. فيروس قد يتحول إلى مرض خطير
The Epstein-Barr virus EBV , formally called Human gammaherpesvirus 4, is one of the nine known human herpesvirus types in the herpes family, and is one of the most common viruses in humans
"Steroids for symptom control in infectious mononucleosis" About Epstein-Barr Virus EBV Epstein-Barr virus EBV , also known as human herpesvirus 4, is a member of the herpes virus family
Most people get infected with EBV at some point in their lives

"Skin reactions to antibacterial agents in general practice".

داء وحيدات النوى الخمجي
"Environmental risk factors for multiple sclerosis
هل داء التقبيل يسبب تضخم الكبد
هل داء التقبيل يسبب تضخم الكبد
Clinical manifestations and treatment of Epstein-Barr infection