aservice provided by the Ministry of Justice that allows the completion of all marriage contract procedures electronically through the platform easily | An error in conditioning or incorrectly describing the incident In this case, the Supreme Court is a court of application, not a trial court |
Failure to do one of the aforementioned conditions leads to the opponent being considered absent | If the defendant fails to attend in situations related to marital matters, custody, alimony, visitation or guardianship, the court may order his presence forcibly |
Obstacles to power of attorney in litigation It is not permissible for a judge, a member of the Bureau of Investigation and Public Prosecution, or anyone working in the courts to act as an attorney for the litigants in the case even if it is filed before a court other than the one to which he belongs.
17Jurisdiction of Enforcement Courts They are specialized in enforcing the following:• Legal Proceedings at Saudi Courts First - Attendance and Power of Attorney in the litigation: On the day designated for hearing the case, the litigants will attend themselves, or whoever acts on their behalf | Its main role is to review Hudud cases murder, amputation, stoning, or legal retribution and what is less than killing It reviews the decisions in terms of the correct application of the rules Islamic rules and regulations and its, their interpretation, as well as in terms of the procedures followed in the trial, without having anything to do with portraying the facts or assessing the evidence |
If the plaintiff is absent and does not present a valid and excusable reason that is accepted by the court, the case will be cancelled and will not be open to resumption without a decision from the Supreme Court | Approval of the draft law is issued after its presentation to the Council of Ministers in its capacity as the owner of the regulatory authority, in a secret session in which the draft is discussed and voted on in the presence of the concerned minister or his representative |
The powers of the Attorney All that the attorney decides in the presence of the authorizer shall be equivalent to what the authorizer himself decides unless he denies it during the consideration of the case in the same session.
1To see more services, please | Publication stage It is the last stage of issuing the law in which the law is announced to the people and the date for its implementation is determined, a process by which the law is fully enforceable and approved |
You can also at the Ministry of Justice | The Ministerial Agency of Civil Affairs also launched the Taqdeer Service, which provides all the necessary services to the elderly by visiting them at home |
The authority of the court to change power of attorney in litigation If one of the agents appears to the court of frequent negligence under the pretext of asking his client for the purpose of procrastination, it has the right to request the presence of the authorizer himself to complete the pleading or to appoint another agent.