ما هو القولون. متلازمة القولون العصبي

com, Retrieved February 19, 2018 In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics
United Ostomy Associations of America com, Retrieved February 19, 2018

In: Sleisenger and Fordtran's Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management.

القولون الزائد.. ما هو و ما هي أعراضه ؟
Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing 3rd ed
اعراض القولون التقرحي: ومخاطره وطرق علاجه
Any infringement to this rule will be followed by legal action
اعراض و انواع امراض القولون و علاجها
com, Retrieved February 19, 2018
2011 Fundamentals of nursing: The art and science of nursing care Antibiotics and probiotics in inflammatory bowel disease: When to use them? All contents on Advanced BMI Website are the property of Dr Nagi Jean Safa and are protected by Copyright law under the
gov, Retrieved February 19, 2018 Feldman M, et al, eds

org, Retrieved February 19, 2018.

ما هو القولون وما هي وظائفه في الجسم
United Ostomy Associations of America
تطهير القولون : حمية التطهير
gov, Retrieved February 19, 2018
هل القولون العصبي مرض نفسي ام عضوي ؟
edu, Retrieved February 19, 2018