Nicky and family Forward to fourth place, where there is another couple who have ended, each separately, their relationship - but now it seems to be haunting them again, this is how David Chen , Scout Grant 's ex , decides to adopt Shuli Rand 's family , who on his relationship with Grant you read here for the first time | Little Photo: Avi Cohen Just a few weeks ago, an entire industry was in turmoil following the retirement of Leahy Griner from the reality show "Golstaria", after she discovered that other participants had received a large sum from her |
רק לפני זמן קצר סיפרנו לכם שמעיין אשכנזי החליטה לזנוח את אור הזרקורים כשהיא הודיעה שהיא חוזרת לאמן, כפי שעשתה לפני שנכנסה לבית "האח הגדול" | A day later, she was joined by the mythological ex, Avichai Ohana , and supported her while asking people to stop prying into the spring alive |
Gossiped to us on Instagram More on Walla! Every day you hear many rumors, whether it is about your neighbor, best friend or just about your boss.
30Photo: Meir Partosh, Moshe Shai, Koko, from Instagram The election is just around the corner here, a Who do Aviv Geffen, Titi Ainao, Maayan Adam and Gal Ochowski support? NEWS Watch: Not all heroes wear robes - who are the people who guard us? Celebs get quite a few different and weird rumors that also cause the hair of the first lady of the gossip world to weasel | So what is the truth and what is the lie? What do you think about the rumor? בזמן שאוחנה חתם אצל הסוכן רפי עגיב שמנהל בין היתר את אסי עזר , אשכנזי חתמה אצל סוכנת בשם דנה מאור |
כמובן שגם קמפיין זוגי הם לא ישללו, אבל כרגע הם מכוונים כל אחד למקום אחר" | According to relatives, Chen supports the Rand family and helps them quite a bit |
From their sexual orientation, through the new spouses attached to them and yes, to the fact that they have passed away - in the glamorous world everything is valid.