القهوة الخضراء. طريقة عمل القهوة الخضراء للتخسيس

Bennett Alan Weinberg, Bonnie K Lee KJ, Jeong HG 2007
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy 5 : 21—27 development: implications for in vivo modification of galactomannan synthesis"

National Association of Coffee U.

صدى الكويت
Etude chimique, 5th International Colloquium Chemicum Coffee, Lisboa, 14 June to 19 June 1971; published by ASIC 1973, pp 179-200•
القهوة الخضراء.. فوائد صحية عديدة وطريقة تحضير سهلة
TRESSEL, R, HOLZER, M and KAMPERSCHROER, H, 1983, Bildung von Aromastoffenin Roestkaffee in Abhaengigkeit vom Gehalt an freien Aminosaeren und reduzierenden Zuckern; 10th International Colloquium Chemicum Coffee, Salvador, Bahia 11 October to 14 Oct; ASIC publication 1983, p279-292• "Analysis of amino acids and carbohydrates in green coffee"
صدى الكويت
Lap Ho, Merina Varghese, Jun Wang And Others 19-07-2013 , , Nutritional Neuroscience, Issue 1, Folder 15, Page 37-45
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service Clifford, MN, and Kazi, M 1987
, 1994, Analysis of free amino acids in green coffee beans; Z ""Suave Molecules of Mocha" -- Coffee, Chemistry, and Civilization"

Hiroshi Shimoda, Emi Seki, Michio Aitani 17-3-2006 , , Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Issue 6, Folder 1, Page 9.

صدى الجزائر
GOTODA, N, IWAI, K, Arabinogalactan isolated from coffee seeds indicates immunomodulating properties, p
طريقة استخدام القهوة الخضراء للتنحيف
Hiroshi Shimoda, Emi Seki, Michio Aitani 17-03-2006 , , BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, Issue 1, Folder 6, Page 9
صدى الجزائر
Redgwell RJ, Curti D, Rogers J, Nicolas P, Fischer M 2003