معن الحكمي. صور القرض الحكمي و أحكامه في الفقه الإسلامي

dz ahmed abdelli, profahmedabdelli gmail This research deals with one of the significant financial elements that became the center of attention of researchers in the modern age
Since the main purpose of its legislation is to be able to act in the contract, we were able to differ according to time, place and means taken to achieve the interests of the people

If a person performs it, he shall have the right to retraction either similar to it or with same value, and any benefit to the lender shall be prohibited as in the real loan.

أحمد (توضيح)
The orbit of all that is custom and the provisions that build on it Fixed in its assets and rules variable and diverse in their applications
ما معنى الحكمة
It may be a judgmental arrest is the subject of this study
موسى الحكمي
Only Al-Shaafa'ia refered to this type of loan with this name, while others didn't differentiate between this loan and the other loans, al-qardh al-hukmi is considered permissible among most jurists, although they differ in some of its details
fr houari maaradj, hakouyoucefiyad gmail fr Abdelhamid Majid Ismail, abdelhamidmajidismail gmail
Due to its specific nature, al-qardh al-hukmi has more elements than the conventional one com Hammoudz mustfa, hammusdz gmail

com necira mokhtar, necira03 gmail.

أحمد (توضيح)
fr sebaa fatima, sebaafatima01 gmail
حكم محكمة النقض رقم 17472 لسنة 82 قضائية ( مدنى ) : إعلان الأحكام القضائية فى أحوال تخلف المحكوم عليه عن حضور جميع الجلسات وعدم تقديم مذكرة بدفاعه . وجوب الإعلان لشخصه أو فى موطنه الأصلى . م 213 / 3 مرافعات . عدم كفاية العلم الحكمى لسريان ميعاد الطعن فى الحكم . علة ذلك .
Keywords: loan, types, elements, retraction
القبض الحكمي صوره وتطبيقاته المعاصرة
com DJIDOUR Hadj Bachir, bachir2001 gmail