تايلر ريكس. جميع أخبار تايلر ريكس

After a successful mission, Rex returned to the JSA headquarters with the but was attacked by the , who phased his vibrating hand through Rex's chest to prevent him from completing his warning to the Legends During their last encounter instructed Hourman to take the to 2016 and stop the Legends original arrival in 1942
Peak of human physical condition: Despite the JSA's discouragement against fraternizing within its ranks, Rex and Amaya fell in love and decided that once the war was over, they would leave the JSA so they could be together

With his dying breath, Rex told her that his attacker was a , before dying in her arms, much to Amaya's heartbreak.

تايلر ريكس
But later joined the Legends when Sara revealed Mick's innocence to find Rex's killer
Rex Tyler
In 1942, Rex discovered several individuals posing as government agents and sent the JSA after them
هل تذكرون المصارع والبطل الأمريكي الشهير “تايلر ريكس”؟؟.. شاهد الصدمة كيف أصبح شكله بعدما تحول جنسيًا إلى امرأة (فيديو)
With his dying breath, Rex told her that his attacker was a , before dying in her arms, much to Amaya's heartbreak
During their last encounter instructed Hourman to take the to 2016 and stop the Legends original arrival in 1942 While the Legends were skeptical to believe him, Rex tried to stress the grave consequences of traveling through time again, but suddenly faded out of existence much to the Legends' confusion
Unfortunately, both Vixen and were captured Original timeline In 1942 Rex encountered a group of time travelers known as the , becoming a trusted ally

The Reverse-Flash attempted to stop Hourman and succeeded in killing the Legends but Hourman was successfully able to venture through time.

تايلر ريكس
The team, the , informed Rex they met him when he crashed their ship in 2016 and warned them not to travel to 1942 and vanished
(صور) بطل مصارعة شهير يعلن تحوله جنسيا لهذا السبب
Crashing the Waverider in during May 2016 just meters from the earlier Waverider and the younger versions of the team, Rex approached the team
جميع أخبار تايلر ريكس
But later joined the Legends when Sara revealed Mick's innocence to find Rex's killer