نستله حليب مكثف. فوائد وإستخدامات الحليب المكثف المحلى من نستله

In a mixing bowl, combine Nestle fat free sweetened condense milk, light cream cheese, lime juice and lime zest and whisk until smooth Before serving, decorate with lime wedges and rind
The company has more than 2000 brands on a local and global level, which are available in 189 countries Press mixture into a lose-bottom cake pan

Nestle is the leading company of food and beverage products around the world.

نستلة حليب مكثف محلى 397 جم
Combine crumbled biscuits and butter
نستلة حليب مكثف محلى :: موقع رنوو.نت
Stir melted gelatin into cream cheese mixture and spoon over the biscuit base, then place in the fridge for 2-3 hours until completely set
طريقة عمل حليب نستله المكثف المحلى في المنزل بالفيديو
Place in the fridge for 10 minutes
Abiding by this motto, they encourage people to maintain a healthier living and contribute towards the betterment of the world
The motto focusses on improving the quality of life by providing better nutrition and contributing to a healthier lifestyle


نستلة حليب مكثف محلى :: موقع رنوو.نت
Buy Nestle Fat Free Sweetened Creamy Condensed Milk 405g Online
نستلة حليب مكثف محلى 397 جم


نستلة حليب مكثف محلى 397 جم
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