كاكاو مر. كاكاو مر بدري وهنية 100 جرام

; Sabrina Koperski; Halbert L "Blood pressure is reduced and insulin sensitivity increased in glucose-intolerant, hypertensive subjects after 15 days of consuming high-polyphenol dark chocolate"
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Zarembski, PM; Hodgkinson, A 1962

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طريقة عمل الشوكولاته الاصلية الصلبة في المنزل بطريقتين بدون خلاط
Kasidas, GP; Rose, GA 1980
In: Journal of Affective Disorders, Volume 92, Issue 2, S
كاطو كلاصي عائلي وراقي بطبقة مقرمشة باقل تكلفة
: This citation will be automatically completed in the next few minutes
"Daily consumption of a dark chocolate containing flavanols and added sterol esters affects cardiovascular risk factors in a normotensive population with elevated cholesterol" "Chocolate consumption and bone density in older women"
College of Agricultural Life and Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison Quichean Linguistic Prehistory; University of California Publications in Linguistics No

"Nutrient and antinutrient profiles of raw and fermented cocoa beans".

طريقة عمل كرات الشوكولاته
"Oxalate content of some common foods: Determination by an enzymatic method"
من خليط واحد حضري جوج كيكات كيحمقو لضيوف الغفلة
Aremu, CY; Agiang, MA; Ayatse, JO 1995
من خليط واحد حضري جوج كيكات كيحمقو لضيوف الغفلة
Brotchie: Mood state effects of chocolate