سبتة. سئوتا

4Disputed between Egypt and the Sudan is the largest religion in Ceuta
[ ] Migration [ ] Main article: Like , Ceuta attracts African migrants who try to use it as an entry to Europe 1129 in Ceuta — 1204 in Marrakesh the patron saint of• It incorporated the suppressed in 1570

2014 'The Spanish-Moroccan relationship: combining bonne entente with territorial disputes', in K.

زعيم حزب إسباني يطلب تدخل في سبتة ومليلية‬
Dispute with Morocco [ ] See also: The government of Morocco has repeatedly called for Spain to transfer the sovereignty of Ceuta and , along with uninhabited islets such as the islands of Alhucemas, Velez and the , drawing comparisons with Spain's territorial claim to
خريطة سبتة بالتفصيل
A contemporary study of the Spanish North African exclaves of Ceuta and Melilla
خريطة سبتة بالتفصيل
Now it has a low-tax system within the
1162 in Ceuta — 1236 a religious and legal scholar, member of the Banu al-Azafi who ruled Ceuta• The Fez finally conquered the region in 1387, with assistance from 3 Average mm inches 122 4
Primary and secondary education is possible only in Spanish however a growing number of schools are entering the Bilingual Education Program Under in the late 4th century, Septem still had 10,000 inhabitants, nearly all speaking and

The remaining seats are held by the regionalist 4 and the PSOE, 3.

بعد ″أزمة″ سبتة.. إسبانيا تدعو المغرب إلى ″احترام الحدود″
Spanish [ ] Bastion of la Coraza Alta on the shore of the Playa del Chorrillo beach On 1 January 1668, King recognized the formal allegiance of Ceuta to Spain and formally ceded Ceuta to King by the
رقم قياسي
Other good anchorages nearby became and then ports at what are now and
سبتة ومليلة أرضٌ مغربية تحت الاحتلال الاسباني منذ 600 عام
born 1945 in Ceuta , nicknamed Pirri, a retired Spanish footballer, mainly played for Real Madrid, appearing in 561 competitive games and scoring 172 goals• Ceuta became the only city of the that sided with Spain when Portugal regained its independence in the of 1640