Common concerns of disabled Americans: Issues and options | Strategies of community organization: Macro practice |
American Journal of Community Psychology, 15, 305-320 | Parting the waters: America in the King years 1954-63 |
Promoting health at the grass roots.
28Some values guiding community research and action | Six great ideas: truth, goodness, beauty, liberty, equality, justice: ideas we judge by, ideas we act on |
Some principles of community development | Chicago: University of Chicago Press |
New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
27Replicating a community initiative for preventing adolescent pregnancy: From South Carolina to Kansas | In Proceedings of the National Conference of Social Work |
New York: Springer Publishing Company | Monograph available from the author, 1406 West Lake, Suite 209, Minneapolis, MN 55408 Jargowsky, P |
The origins of the civil rights movement.