قصة قابيل وهابيل. قابيل وهابيل

- The Story of the First Men Collection, Flemish engraving on paper, 1583, used under CC BY-NC-SA 4
Image: Plate 9: Lamech and his two wives Landscape with Lamech at centre, talking to his two wives Adah and Zillah seated in front of a farm-house at left, two children playing music at far left, two other children in foreground, Lamech again beyond standing next to a dead man, a wide landscape with mountains in background

Image: Cain and Abel give offerings Gen.

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قصة قابيل و هابيل
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قابيل وهابيل
البداية والنهاية/الجزء الأول/قصة قابيل وهابيل
قصة قابيل وهابيل