مسكن كتافاست. كتافاست للصداع Catafast ومسكن للآلام

Adolescents For adolescents aged 14 years and over, 50 to 100 mg daily are usually sufficient given as 1 to 2 divided doses If relief is not obtained within 2 hours, take a further dose of 50 mg
An analgesic for the period, cold, and for the teeth used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

 If you suffer from severe kidney or liver disease.

كتافاست فوار
acetylsalicylic acid, diclofenac or ibuprofen
Your doctor will discuss with you the potential risk of taking Catafast during pregnancy or breast-feeding OVER-DOSAGE OF CATAFAST SACHETS If you take more Catafast than you should If you have accidentally taken more Catafast than prescribed, tell your doctor or pharmacist or go to the hospital emergency unit at once
كتافاست فوار، catafast
Do not exceed 200 mg per day
If you think you may be allergic, ask your doctor for advice Catafast for the common cold: It is used to get rid of cold symptoms because it can lower body temperature and reduce headaches
You should not take Catafast while pregnant unless absolutely necessary Reactions may include asthma, runny nose, skin rash, face swelling

In milder cases, 50 to 100 mg daily are usually sufficient to be taken in 1 to 2 doses.

كتافاست للصداع Catafast ومسكن للآلام
It is characterized by its rapid effect as a pain reliever, so it is used to relieve swelling and pain, burning and inflammation after eye surgery
5 أعراض جانبية لدواء كتافاست
Catafast for headache: If you want to use it to get rid of the problem of moderate to severe headaches, you can dissolve a sachet in half a glass of water and drink it
5 أعراض جانبية لدواء كتافاست
The recommended dose is : —• It also treats infections after acute injury, such as sprains, and in cases of severe pain and inflammation of the osteoarthritis
Do not use after the expiry date shown on the box Do not take Catafast  If you are allergic hypersensitive to diclofenac or to any of the other ingredients of Catafast listed at the end of this leaflet
Do not exceed 150 mg per day This may be repeated at intervals of 4 to 6 hours, but you should not take more than 200 mg per day

Novartis Page 3  If you have gastrointestinal bleeding or perforation, symptoms of which may include blood in your stools or black stools.

سعر ومواصفات كتافاست 50 مجم 9 اكياس من sidalih فى السعودية
In migraine, take Catafast at the first symptoms of a migraine attack
كتافاست فوار، catafast
It is one of the most famous types of analgesics and medicines that treat inflammation and rheumatism
سعر ومواصفات كتافاست 50 مجم 9 اكياس من sidalih فى السعودية
you have ever had an allergic reaction after taking medicines to treat inflammation or pain e