بن اسحاق. آدم بن اسحاق

"An Account of Early Statistical Inference in Arab Cryptology" The hidden origins of Islam: new research into its early history
The remaining book includes only the first half of it up to , which was available in the cities of , , and was one of the jurists who was considered the only one of his time in the field of science and his books were very important in

The Galla in Northern Somaliland, I.

أبناء سيدنا إسحاق
Levey, Martin 1973 , "Early Arabic Pharmacology", E
حنبل بن اسحاق
— 982—1058 Mohammad ibn Masoud Ayyashi
ابن منده
Minnesota: Cazimi Press, 2011; pp
He is unique in the Orient in terms of grace and wisdom and has written more than 20 volumes of books, including: Kitab al-Tafsir, Al-Alam wa Al-Muttalim, Al-Dawaat, Al-Taqiya, Al-Jawbah Al-Muscat and Tajweed Al-Quran
He then traveled to , and to study Islamic sciences ] A Companion to the Philosophers

Horn of Africa, Volume 15, Issues 1—4, Horn of Africa Journal: 1997 , p.

أبناء سيدنا إسحاق
The great and scholars, such as: , , , , , Ibn Davoud Hilli, Abdollah Mamaghani, , , and Seyyed Hassan Sadr consider him from in
:"The 'Ibad are tribes made up of different Arabian families that became connected with Christianity in al-Hira
أحمد بن إسحاق الأشعري
Scholars of have identified him as trustworthy, discerning, honest and truthful in his hadith
African Studies Center, Northeast African studies, Volumes 11—12, Michigan State University Press: 1989 , p has spoken about the possibility of a second volume of the in the southern regions of Iran
All the scholars who have come after him have praised Ayyashi as the majesty, the exaltation, and the breadth of grace

Junaid ibn Naeem, known as Abu Ahmad, mentions his compositions in his dissertation written for Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Muhammad Alavi.

حنین بن اسحاق
حنین بن اسحاق عبادی
مخطوطة بن إسحاق :المرتد
The father of Mohammad ibn Masoud Ayyashi was from a wealthy and well-known family in Samarkand