اموي مباشر. قصر أموي في عمان

The YPG is the military wing of the Democratic Union Party PYD , the main Kurdish political party in Syria The Syrian army had large number of Bedouins serving in its ranks
Tribal militias from the Tay and Sharabyen tribes were set up in al-Hassakeh governorate, where they received training from Iranian troops These three regions are called the tribal regions and have been the scene of constant political struggle between the Bedouin tribes and the central state

The second group is Jabhat Thuwar al-Raqqa, which is composed of tribes in the northern Raqqa countryside.

Tribes of Syria: Pieces on a chessboard?
The new focus of many tribal militias was to gain as much as possible from the oil fields and make alliances with other fighting groups ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra or even the Syrian regime in order to survive
الثورة الشعبية السورية : متابعة التطورات وآخر المستجدات : 2 [الأرشيف]
Many started defecting from the national army to join the Free Syrian Army
الثورة الشعبية السورية : متابعة التطورات وآخر المستجدات : 2 [الأرشيف]
As the conflict in Syria has escalated, tribes have fragmented and turned into pieces on a chessboard, moved around by international and regional powers
Such self-interested manoeuvring in the Syrian conflict has led to fragmentation of the tribes into competing clans that have been instrumentalized in large part by outsiders The result was the defeat of Jabhat al-Nusra and its allies, who have been displaced from their villages and massacred by ISIS fighters
The emergence of ISIS in Syria made the US and its allies look to the tribes for support in their campaign against the terrorist group ISIS has tried hard to recruit youth from the tribes

The Free Syrian Army began fragmenting into different militias.

Tribes of Syria: Pieces on a chessboard?
When the protests began, tribalism played a major role in the restive areas of Syria to mobilize youth in the protest movement against the regime
دينار يباع في بريطانيا بملايين الدولارات
Tribal identity still plays a role in the Syrian civil war, and is used by the different parties involved
اكتشاف مسجد آموي في رهط بناها فلسطينيون قبل اثني عشر قرناً ،مراسلون،28.7.2019،مساواة
Fragmentation in the Civil War In general, Bedouin tribes do not have a unified military council to lead and coordinate their armed activities