صور اديسون. أديسون راي

" Little, Brown and Company, New York, 2004 Sculpture of three giant light bulbs: in memory of Thomas Alva Edison• Thomas Alva Edison died at 3:24 o'clock this morning at his home, Glenmont, in the Llewellyn Park section of this city
He was 94 years old Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library: Edison fears the hidden perils of the x-rays

"Thomas Edison, Original Letters and Primary Source Documents".

اختراعات توماس اديسون
"GE emerges world's largest company: Forbes"
اختراعات توماس اديسون
"Franklin Laureate Database - Edward Longstreth Medal 1899 Laureates"
موضوع عن توماس أديسون
Edison, second son of the first wife, who announced at the same time that he would sue to break it
Edison: A life of invention The New York Times Company
"The will of Thomas A After Thomas Alva Edison died in 1931, Theodore Edison took charge of his father's experimental laboratories in West Orange

The great inventor, the fruits of whose genius so magically transformed the everyday world, was 84 years and 8 months old.

مصابيح ريترو (28 صورة): أكاليل عتيقة مع لمبات اديسون كلاسيكية ، تصميمات داخلية جميلة
World-Wide Tribute Is Paid to Him as a Benefactor of Mankind"
ما هي اختراعات اديسون
Edison: A Life of Invention
ما هي اختراعات اديسون
"About the Memory of a Theatre"
"Older Son To Sue To Void Edison Will; William, Second Child Of The Counsel" "West Orange, New Jersey, Sunday, October 18, 1931
"The Life of Thomas Edison", American Memory, Library of Congress, Retrieved March 3, 2009 After Fight for Life Since He Was Stricken on August 1

Biographical Memoir of Thomas Alva Edison.

توماس إديسون
Evans, Harold, "They Made America
بيع الصحف في القطارات والتضور جوعا إلى إضاءة العالم واختراعات باهرة
He died of Parkinson's disease, said a cousin, Kim Arnn
ما هي اختراعات توماس إديسون
Edison, an inventor, environmentalist and philanthropist who was the last surviving child of the inventor Thomas Alva Edison, died on Tuesday at his home in West Orange