ياسارق القلب كلمات. من يسرق القلب

Give me back my heart, give it back And do not go away from me My heart is in the prison of your eyes Choose: either you give me back my heart or love it In love, make your conscience the judge between you and I Balkis: She who steals a heart1 cannot give it back to you She takes all of you And you have no idea where you are with her Even the feelings, you'll find them in her control She will just leave the longing and the tears in your eyes Rashed: Since the day I first saw you My heart reached out for you My eyes were mesmerized by the brilliance of your beauty and attractiveness I tailored my heart to fit love And it fit it And I put my heart in your absolute control Balkis: She who returns your love And adores you, love her back Do not let the distance build a wall between you and her No one around you Nor anyone is as precious as her She became more beautiful with your heartbeat And your beauty grew with her heartbeat Rashed: I built a dream through you Oh lover, do not tear it down And my sweetest years Sing for your sweetest years Even the place I saw you in a while ago, I asked it where you were And it too asked about where you are Balkis: Love's path is hard if you are trying to go back on it It's a path that makes you forget the simplest things in life It makes you happy but wrecks you and makes you weary Yet it plants roses and longing in your gardens Rashed: I have given you a thousand excuses And said you must have a reasoning for what you've done Do not let me down Do not disappoint your lover Till now I am yet patient and if my patience reaches its limits, Pass by my heart that is in the prison of your eyes Balkis: If time once stood against you and her Try to block its attempts And do not abandon your lover Do not loosen love's rope then tighten it suddenly Do not allow anyone To stand between you and her "He who steals a heart cannot give it back to you He takes all of you"


ياسرق القلب
كلمات أوقات أغنية مسلسل للموت
ياحبيبي ترى القلب


كلمات اغنية راشد الماجد سارق القلب 2014 كاملة
قصيدة ياسارق(ن) قلبي
كلام عن قوة القلب


كلمات اغنية راشد الماجد سارق القلب 2014 كاملة
كلمات اغنية راشد الماجد سارق القلب 2014 كاملة
كلام عن قوة القلب