If you haven't recorded anything yet, your project will be removed from the forum contact any admin to see if it can be re-instated | If you wish, say: "Recording by [your name], [city, your blog, podcast, web address]"• Unfortunately, it's not good enough - it says there "opensource" which means that this has been uploaded by somebody we know nothing about, just like the text at wikisource |
For the first time, the oldest manuscript of this famous Arabic text is now completely accessible to scholars and interested readers | With some slight trepidation, I have set this up for you |
As for the publication date, I can't find it.
11Thousand Nights and One Night | As they are 4 books in one |
Check this project for a guideline: Other than this, we're ready to go! Only if applicable, say: "[Chapter title]" END of recording:• Later, I will do extensive research in order to find the other missing volume |
Wordsworth in Book Five of The Prelude; Tennyson in his poem "Recollections of the Arabian Nights".
22Sara, thank you for your offer DPL , I will be happy to work with you | William Hay Macnaghten, 4 vols |
5 to 1 second of silence at the beginning of the recording! We can divide the project into 4 parts | Also in Encyclopedia of Arabic Literature, v |
Volume 1 - Says 1888 on the very last page the back cover Volume 2 - Says 1889 on the very last page Volume 4 - 1889 Volume 5 - 1889 Cant seem to locate volume 3 though.