وزارة الخارجية المصرية. منصة خدمات التأشيرات الإلكترونية

During this period, the foreign portfolio was headed by prominent figures such as , who spent the longest period in office from 1894—1910 On 21 September 1955, law number 453 was issued to define the role of the Foreign Ministry in implementing Egyptian foreign policy, developing foreign relations of Egypt with foreign governments, and international organisations, protecting Egyptian interests abroad, issuing diplomatic passports, and following up issues related to diplomatic immunities and privileges
Due to the change of rule in Egypt in 1878, the absolute jurisdictions given to rulers were diminished, and the divans were replaced by portfolios وزارة الخارجية بعد ثورة 23 يوليو 1952 كان لقيام ثورة يوليو 1952 أثر بالغ في التحولات التي شهدها الهيكل التنظيمي للوزارة وذلك مواكبة للتحولات الكبرى على الساحة الدولية في تلك الفترة

It was concerned with abolishing slavery, and following up international treaties.

شعار وزارة الخارجية المصرية
They also coordinate and cooperate with other Egyptian ministries and institutions working in those domains
In 1966, the Ministry set up the Institute for Diplomatic Studies
موقع مباشر
Consequently, Law Number 45 for year 1982 regarding the Diplomatic and Consular Corps was issued to cope with the new prospects of the Egyptian diplomatic and consular relations, according to the two Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations which Egypt joined in the 1960s
لوجو وزارة الخارجية المصرية Png السياسة الخارجية المصرية تجاه الأزمات It engages in Egypt's comprehensive development efforts by trying to attract foreign investments, acquire economic assistance, and facilitate technology transfer
و على حسب ما جاء في بيان للخارجية المصرية ، فقد تبادلت مصر وقطر مذكرتين رسميتين اتفقا بموجبهما على استئناف العلاقات الدبلوماسية بينهما في فضيحة دبلوماسية جديدة أعلنت وزارة الخارجية المصرية ضياع ختم شعار الجمهورية ختم النسر ذي الرقم الكودي 13533

This process was influenced by the factors affecting the international arena such as the information and technological revolution, the increase in the role of non-governmental organisations in international relations, and the emergence of economic globalisation.

وزارة الخارجية المصرية : عودة العلاقات الدبلوماسية بين مصر وقطر
Later, it became the Divan of Foreign Affairs, and was concerned with trade, and citizen's affairs
منصة خدمات التأشيرات الإلكترونية
Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry co-operates with the international community through international organisations such as the , and tries to play an active role in the UN, its specialised agencies, and several other international institutions to foster international peace, security, and economic development