محمية الفوزان. الفوزان: عائد مضمون لـ 8 سنوات وفق الشريعة

I also suggest a tourist train should be made that will take people around
OMG, the sand there is beautiful, while taking a look from far you'll think it's water waves 12 July 2020 4:31 If I look at it as an animal then it's perfect and I get more care than I get in wildlife, but if I look at it as a tourist then I'll say it's beautiful, a perfect place to go and watch the nature


محمية الدكتور/ فوزان الفوزان
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الفوزان: عائد مضمون لـ 8 سنوات وفق الشريعة
عبدالعزيز الفوزان أراد أن يُعربَه فأعجمه !
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