اسنان الغنم. زكاة اسنان الابل

The black arrow shows where this goat is missing an incisor tooth Gummer 11-12 years old 5-2 years Incisor I 3 2
5-2 years Molar M 1 3 months Molar M 2 9-12 months Molar M 3 1 All the incisors are permanent and worn

" Notice how this ewe has severely worn or missing teeth, with receding gum lines Dentition of an aged goat about 10 years old.

كم عدد اسنان الغنم
زكاة اسنان الابل
5 years Incisor I 2 1
كم عدد اسنان الغنم
5-3 years Incisor I 4 3
Notice the wide spacing between the teeth Dentition of an extremely aged sheep from 8-12 years of age , frequently referred to as a "broken mouth


زكاة اسنان الابل
فصل: أسنان الغنم
زكاة اسنان الابل