التراث المندي. لم يتذوق سوى صناعة أفران الطين العتيقة مستمرة في غزة

EB Martin - Oryx, 1985 - Cambridge Univ Press• The Cities Book: A Journey Through the Best Cities in the World By Lonely Planet Publications, Trent Holden, Anna Metcalfe• A Winter in Arabia A Journey through Yemen - Freya Stark -• The Road to Redemption: The Jews of the Yemen, 1900-1950By Tudor Parfitt p Rhinos and daggers: A major conservation problem
Divine Inspirations:Music and Islam in Indonesia: Music and Islam in Indonesia edited by David Harnish, Anne Rasmussen p,207• Studies in Israeli Ethnicity: After the Ingathering - Alex Weingrod p

Dance and glance: Visualizing tribal identity in Highland Yemen-Najwa Adraa• Demand, Stockpiles,and Social Controls: Small Arms in Yemen Derek.

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