سعرات البيض. السعرات الحرارية في البيض المسلوق والمقلي بالطرق المختلفة

livestrong - Should You Boil Eggs or Scramble Them for the Most Nutrition? On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen Food in Antiquity: A Survey of the Diet of Early Peoples
"Dietary cholesterol from eggs increases the ratio of total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in humans: a meta-analysis"

Easterday, Jim April 21, 2005.

بيض (طعام)
McGee on Food and Cooking
كم سعرة حرارية في البيض المقلي ؟ وما هي القيمة الغذائية له ؟
United States Department of Agriculture 264 : 1
عدد السعرات الحرارية في البيض
Ornithology, Volume 1994 By Frank B
livestrong - How Many Calories Does a Hard Boiled Egg Have? Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
livestrong - How Many Calories Are In a Vegetable Omelet? "A prospective study of egg consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease in men and women" USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 20

USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, 2011.

كم سعرة حرارية في بياض البيض
medicalnewstoday - Can eating eggs help you lose weight? Kiple, A Movable Feast: Ten Millennia of Food Globalization 2007 , p
السعرات الحرارية في البيض ومشتقاتة
, Effects of carotenoids from lucerne, marigold and tomato on egg yolk pigmentation and carotenoid composition
السعرات الحرارية في البيض ومشتقاتة
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