Concerned about the privacy of your info? Your environment is the driving force | Your AncestryDNA kit includes full instructions, a saliva collection tube, and a prepaid return mailer so you don't have additional costs to return your DNA |
They determine the types of movement and exercise that are best for you | Your privacy is our highest priority |
We can identify genes that you have inherited and suggest diet and lifestyle changes that will optimize your mental and physical performance.
There Is No Existing Consumer DNA lab that can provide us with the full spectrum of genetic data we need to get the best picture of your genetic variants that affect your brain, mood and vitality | There is nothing biologically fixed or determined about homosexuality or transsexuality, but transsexual activists are now using the same arguments gay rights campaigners were using in the eighties and nineties, viz |
This area of science is continuing to unfold and more study is needed before we can clearly understand what is possible in the area of epigenetics, but it is clear that, with proper guidance and coaching, dramatic changes in health are possible | Get The Facts You Need |
You own your DNA data.