مركز صحي ال بريد. المذحجي: الرئيس مطالب بفتح نقاش بشأن البدائل السياسية والقانونية لما بعده

092 141,000 1,037 1988 15,959 02 2,100,000 7,870 2010 408,085 14,370 170,407 42
201 10,000 153 1978 678 Vance, Sandra Stringer; Scott, Roy V

645 104,000 887 1987 11,909.

عتيبة (قبيلة)
Michael Corkery, , New York Times September 3, 2019
وول مارت
Gross, Jenny; Fazio, Marie 2020-06-27
187764 1,000 32 1971 44
879 21,000 276 1981 1,643 The goal was to build a new application platform to help WalmartLabs and its engineers scale for the future
Gereffi, Gary; Michelle, Christian 2009 It offers fresh produce, meat and other groceries, according to a news release

Wal Mart 2013 Proxy statement.

عتيبة (قبيلة)
Published in Proceedings: Increased Understanding of Public Problems and Policies — 1997
وول مارت
915 328,000 1,725 1992 43,886
الجمعية الوطنية للخدمات المجتمعية
With about 180 stores, the retailer has focused on using them to fill in between Supercenters in areas such as Dallas, Las Vegas and Orlando, rather than to develop new markets