ماهي اعراض نقص فيتامين د. أعراض نقص فيتامين د للكبار

Witte Hoogendijk, Paul Lips, Miranda Dik And Others 2008 , , JAMA Psychiatry, Issue 5, Folder 65, Page 508-512 Seong-Hwan Moon, Seok Woo Kim, Hak-Sun Kim, and others 3-2013 , , pain physician journal, Issue 2, Folder 16, Page 165-176
2, Folder 64, Page S101-S103 Atmaca 2013 , , Journal of endocrinological investigation, Issue 8, Folder 36, Page 622-627

Alexander Mauskop, Jasmine Varughese 18-3-2012 , , Journal of neural transmission, Issue 5, Folder 119, Page 575-579.

أعراض نقص فيتامين د وطرق علاجه
Mary Byrn, William Adams, Mary Emanuele, And Others 7-9-2017 , , Journal of Diabetes Research, Issue -, Folder 2017, Page 11
أعراض نقص فيتامين د وطرق علاجه
Jie Dinga, Peter Kwana, Zengshuan Maa And Others 2016 , , Burns, Issue 6, Folder 42, Page 1277-1286
11 علامة تدل على نقص فيتامين د لديك
Shalbha Tiwari, Daliparthy Pratyush, Sanjeev Gupta , and others 21-10-2014 , , British Journal of Nutrition, Issue 12, Folder 112, Page 1938-1943 An Lehouck, Chantal Mathieu, Claudia Carremans and others 2012 , , Annals of internal medicine, Issue 2, Folder 156, Page 105-114
Olivia Okereke and Ankura Singh 2016 , , Journal of affective disorders, Folder 189, Page 1-14 John Lee, James O'Keefe, David Bell And Others 9-12-2008 , , Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Issue 24, Folder 52, Page 1949-1956

Jie Ding, Peter Kwan, Zengshuan Ma, and others 9-2016 , , Burns, Issue 6, Folder 42, Page 1277-1286.

أعراض نقص فيتامين د عند النساء
Ecemis GC, Atmaca A 19-3-2013 , , Journal of endocrinological investigation, Issue 8, Folder 36, Page 622-627
أخطر أعراض نقص فيتامين د في الجسم
Cedric Garland, ,Frank Garland, Edward Gorham, and others 2006 , , American Journal of Public Health, Issue 2, Folder 96, Page 252-261
أعراض نقص فيتامين د وطرق علاجه
and others 2013 , , Skin pharmacology and physiology, Issue 2, Folder 26, Page 101-107