The same year died Archbishop Ceolnoth; and Ethered, Bishop of Witshire, was chosen Archbishop of Canterbury | The names of the leaders who slew the king were Hingwar and Hubba |
Kendrick, consultant; Horizan Caravel Books, by the editors of Horizan Magazine, Fourth Edition, American Heritage Publishing Co | They made such havoc there, that a monastery, which was before full rich, was now reduced to nothing |
Google uses and data to:• Ridyard, The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England, p.
3At the same time came they to Medhamsted, burning and breaking, and slaying abbot and monks, and all that they there found | Donovan, author; Sir Thomas D |
And in the winter King Edmund fought with them; but the Danes gained the victory, and slew the king; whereupon they overran all that land, and destroyed all the monasteries to which they came | Improve the quality of our services and develop new ones• You can also visit g |
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