رئيس الهند. الهند

, the president's official residence, is the largest in the world It is the President's duty to ensure that every state's governance is carried on in accordance with the provisions of the constitution under Articles 355 and 356 Rest of the governance of the union and reporting to the president on all important matters
Finally, the number of legislators in state matters; if a state has few legislators, then each legislator has more votes; if a state has many legislators, then each legislator has fewer votes In mid-2006, President sent back a controversial bill regarding the exclusion of certain offices from the scope of 'offices of profit', the holding of which would disqualify a person from being a member of parliament

78—79, ; c Fisher, Michael H.

رئيس وزراء الهند
Such an emergency was declared in India in 1962 , 1971 , and 1975 to 1977 declared by
رئيس الهند
2018 , "", in Sivaperuman, C
President of India
Craven, 35—46; Rowland, 67—70; Harle, 22—24• President may be of the view that a particular bill passed under the of parliament is violating the constitution, he can send back the bill with his recommendation to pass the bill under the constituent powers of parliament following the procedure
Ramachandra Guha 15 April 2006 Eventually, various bands entered India between 75,000 years ago and 35,000 years ago
The Election Commission finds it difficult to organise an election in that state The has enacted the law— The President Discharge of Functions Act, 1969 — for the discharge of the functions of the president when vacancies occur in the offices of the president and of the vice-president simultaneously, owing to removal, death, resignation of the incumbent or otherwise

Himalayan Anthropology: The Indo-Tibetan Interface.

اسم رئيس الهند
During this process, the president has the right to defend oneself through an authorised
ما اسم رئيس الهند
There is no provision in the constitution to re-promulgate president's rule in a state when the earlier promulgation ceased to operate for want of parliaments approval within two months duration
اسم رئيس الهند
Banerjee, Sumanta 22 July 2005
Removal from office by each house of the parliament supported by a majority of the total membership of that house and by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members of that house present and voting on the ground of proved misbehaviour or incapacity as per President can be removed by the supreme court per for committing electoral malpractices and upon ceasing to possess the requisite qualifications to be president Dyson, Tim 2018 , , , pp
January 2002 , , in Ayres, A Under , the president as the upholder of the constitution shall be satisfied that immediate action is mandatory as advised by the union cabinet and he is confident that the government commands majority support in the parliament needed for the passing of the ordinance into an act and parliament can be summoned to deliberate on the passing of the ordinance as soon as possible

President can be removed by the supreme court per for committing electoral malpractices and upon ceasing to possess the requisite qualifications to be president Similar to prime minister and ministers also.

ناريندرا مودي
Anyhow, it would be quite a few centuries before Sanskrit was written down
رئيس وزراء الهند
Proving majority in the parliament Main article: In 1979, Prime Minister , did not enjoy a parliamentary majority
اسم رئيس الهند
He dismisses the judges if and only if the two Houses of the parliament pass resolutions to that effect by a two-thirds majority of the members present