اللهم اني عبدك ابن عبدك ابن امتك. اللهم اني عبدك ابن عبدك ابن امتك ناصيتي

When i was a child i remember being obsessed with playing adult with the other kids When i was a child i remember being obsessed with playing adult with the other kids
In my mind adults could do whatever they wanted to while i was being cut short every now and again

In my mind adults could do whatever they wanted to while i was being cut short every now and again.

حكم دعاء المرأة بقولها: اللهم إني عبدك
هل تقول المرأة في دعائها: وأنا عبدك؟
(210) دعاء الهم والحزن .. إلى قوله إني عبدك ابن عبدك ابن أمتك ناصيتي


اللهم اني عبدك وابن عبدك ابن أمتك ناصيتي بيدك
شرح دعاء {اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي عَبْدُكَ .}
هل هناك أي دعاء لإزالة الحزن ؟