塈�堿�塈堥: �媢� �堿�堬 塈�堛堥媢�媔 堥� �堿堥 �� 堮媯�媯 �塈 堨堸塈 �塈� 堧堶堹 塈��堿堛�堹�� 堧媢�� �� 堥媢媔 塈�堧堥�塈堥 �塈�堞堮堭 堧媢�� �� 塈�堥媢媔 塈�堞堮堭 ����堹 ��塈� �� �塈 �� 堧媢�� ���� 堧�塈 堨堸塈 �塈� 堧堶堹��塈 堧媢�� �� 堿��媢 塈�堧堥�塈堥 ��堛媢�� 堛���堹� �� 堿��媢 �塈 堛堮塈�� �堛�塈� | �堛堮媯媯�� �� 塈�堧堶堸�堜 塈�堥堭塈堬���堜 塈��媯�媢� �� 堿��堹 媟堥�媢�� |
Set in Riyadh, OYO 250 Al Yamama Palace Hotel Suites - Olaya is 1 |
WELCOME TO SHOE PALACE Shoe Palace Shoes are well known in all for the top quality and latest designs.
1���塈堿 塈�媯塈�堶�� � 塈�堿堬堙 塈�堧�� 塈�媟堥媢堜 塈��媯堶堶堜 �塈����堶堜 1442 �� | MAUCH 5 ZONES GH 17 7903 FULL BLACK �媯堭 塈�堧堶堸�堜 72 |
Shoe Palace Shoes are well known in all for the top quality and latest designs | �堣堹� 堥媢媔 塈�堧奡堮塈媯 堥堹�� �媢� 堶堭�塈堛 �堨��塈堙塈堛 塈�堞堮堭��� ��� �塈 堧媟�� 媢��� 塈�媟堥 塈���堻�� 塈堻� 堨���堥堭塈�堻�塈 � �堛堛��堬 堥塈�堛���堹 �塈�堛�堭塈堭 塈��塈堨堭塈堹� �塈�堛��塈埵� |
Guest accommodation is disinfected between stays•.
7com ��堹� ��堛堿塈堛 15581 堛���堹 塈�堧堶堸�堜 | 堧堶堹堳 堛奡���堜 塈�堧堶堸�堜 ���堻塈堙, 堛堻�� 堧�媔� 塈堻堛塈��塈堛 塈�堧堶堸�堜 堧���塈�� �� 堹堥�� 塈堥�婺堥�� 塈�塈�塈堭塈堛 - �媢 堮堹�堜 塈�堛�媯�� 塈���� 塈�堛塈��� � 塈�堹�媢 媢�堹 塈�塈堻堛�塈�� 塈� 媢堥堭 堥媟塈�堜 塈�塈埵堛�塈�• : The McGraw Hill Companies; 2011 |
�堛�塈堿堹 塈��媯堭 �� 奡�塈� 堨�堭���塈 �堥塈�堛堶堹�堹 �� 塈��媞堭堥� ��奡�堭 堨�� �堭�堜 �堶媯�堜 �堶塈媟堜 堥塈�堿堹堭塈� | La nostra Informativa sulla privacy per i Servizi ai consumatori e l'Informativa sulla privacy per i Servizi aziendali entreranno in vigore il 20 agosto 2020 |
Guest accommodation sealed after cleaning• A stovetop and kettle are also featured.