معنى الله اكبر. ما هو تفسير رؤية أو سماع كلمة الله أكبر في المنام؟ • موقع مصري

They tried to escape from comparing the Creator to the creation, but what they were escaping from caused them to fall into something worse than it; it made them come up with an attribute — that if we were to take it by its apparent meaning — both the Creator and the created would be similar We respond to them by saying; What is wrong with saying that Allah is more knowledgeable than every knowledgeable entity? This is a comparative in its own category, the entity that it is being compared to has been removed, which means it includes everything
Not only is this an accurate translation but it is also the correct and desired meaning in contrast to the comparative In a nutshell, Ibn 'Uthaymeen is saying; Allahu 'Alam — literally meaning 'Allah is more knowledgeable' means 'Allah is the most knowledgeable', because 'than everything' was removed from the phrase 'Allah is more knowlegeable than everthing'

Some scholars claimed that the meaning of 'Allahu Akbar — Allah is Greater' is: Allahu Kabeer — Allah is Great.

في معنى “الله أكبر”
there is no 'greatest' or 'most knowledgeable' in the grammatical sense, there is only greater and more knowledgeable
الله اكبر
You will find in English translations of the Quran and various knowledge related material, that the superlative form is used in place of the comparative, i
مدلول كلمة (الله أكبر) بالتحليل العقلي
Because you can say; Allah is knowledgeable and so and so is knowledgeable
So how can you say; Allah is knowledgeable? Therefore you say; Allah is Greater Therefore Allah is Greater than everything, Glorified and Exalted is He, and the same is said about 'more knowledgeable'
e 'Allah is the most knowledgeable' rather than Allah is more knowledgeable

The answer: The first is better, and Allah says about Himself: Allah is more knowledgeable.

معناها وفضلها ومواضع قولها
However, this is an extremely weak assertion, because everyone knows the difference between Great and Greater
معنى الله أكبر وقيمتها وتأثيرها فى حياتنا • موقع مصري
There is a deficiency in meaning here
في معنى “الله أكبر”


معنى الله أكبر
تفسير قوله تعالى : (وَلَذِكْرُ اللَّهِ أَكْبَرُ ) .
ما معنى كلمة الله اكبر