Abdur Rahman bin Awf withdrew his eligibility to be appointed as caliph in order to act as a moderator and began his task by interviewing every member of the committee separately | According to the Muslim scholar , Uthman gave him shelter after getting permission from Muhammad, and Muhammad told him that if he was caught again after 3 days he would be executed |
Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir Volume 3 | Relevant discussion may be found on the |
He returns from his fake exile as Osman's spy on Nikola and Targun.
18Albany: State University of New York Press | |
لم يكن رحيله منسجمًا مع بطولته ، لكنه كان مثيرًا للإعجاب ، خاصة بعد أن كاد أن يفارق توجاي ، وكما قلنا لك إنه سيطعن توجاي من خلال المشهد الذي رأيناه في الإعلان ، كنا وحدنا من تحدث حول هذا الأمر ، لكن العيب في المشهد هو رؤية غيركوتاي بامسي يواجه توجاي ، وكلاهما يطعن بعضهما البعض ، لكن المغول تضاعفوا عليه ولم يتمكنوا من اللحاق به ، لكن ذلك لم يمنعه من الاتصال به | According to , during Uthman's reign, "grievances against his arbitrary acts were substantial by standards of his time |
It is not known where the Muslim force landed, what resistance they met, and what parts of Spain they actually conquered.
17The Origins of the Islamic State Part 2, p | The people took advantage of Uthman's leniency, which became a headache for the state, culminating in Uthman's assassination |
In order to preserve the sanctity of the text, he ordered a committee headed by to use caliph 's copy and prepare a standard copy of the Qur'an | مثله ، مؤمنًا بقوانين جنكيز خان |
The Shi'a and their Beliefs.