سراقة بن مالك. سراقة بن مالك وسواري كسرى

He was struck with profound grief the day Muhammad died but remembered the promise of Muhammad that he would one day receive the bangles of of Persia Such was the size of the reward, however, that Suraqah went back on his word and resumed pursuit of the duo
He said that Muhammad had assured him of Khusrow's bangles and that he had not gotten them yet He witnessed a miraculous, divine force that stopped him in his tracks before he succeed in this mission

It contained the famed crown of Khosrow studded with rubies, a gold belt studded with pearls and the gold bracelets.

سراقة بن مالك وسواري كسري
was conquered during the caliphate of second caliph,
إبليس في صورة سراقة بن مالك
He asked in wonderment if Muhammad meant the bracelets of Khusrow bin Hormuz or , son of , the Persian king
قصة الصحابي سراقة بن مالك رضي الله عنه
The only person whom he told of his encounter was , who reproached him for his cowardice
I would dissuade even others from pursuing you Suraqah's pursuit of Muhammad and Abu Bakr [ ] Suraqah pursued when he was on his way to for the migration
Umar received a missive from , commander of the Islamic forces during the He cried out, "O Muhammad, pray for me in order that my mare could get out of this mess

Umar was looking at each of the items sent by the Commander of the forces.

قصة سراقة بن مالك في مواجهة هجرة رسول الله
Suraqah entered the court of Muhammad and declared testimony of faith
قصة سراقة بن مالك في مواجهة هجرة رسول الله
After the conquest of Makkah [ ] Within eight years of his migration to Madinah, Muhammad entered Mecca at the head of a vast army and declared a general amnesty
سراقة بن مالك يلبس سواري كسرى
The family members were surprised and asked him how he was so sure
Suddenly Umar called Suraqa to him and put the crown on his head, helped him don the gold embroidered dress and gold bracelets He asked his slave woman to saddle securely his agile mare and lead her well away from Mecca while he slipped out the back door of his house so that no one would know what he was about to do
Suraqa always rued the day he pursued Muhammad for the reward of 100 red camels He ordered them not to worry about him because he would not die

This article's tone or style may not reflect the used on Wikipedia.

قصة النبي محمد مع سراقة بن مالك
سُرَاقَةُ بنُ مالكِ بنِ جُعْشُم
" He then turned towards Umar and asked him to distribute all those royal appendages among the Muslims
سراقة بن مالك وسواري كسرى
He easily tracked down the two-man caravan of Muhammad on its journey to , but as soon as he caught sight of the duo, Muhammad made the following prayer, "O , protect us from him by whatever means You will