يوم الخميس بالانقلش. ليلة القدر

this is a good day for me I have a shower and get dressed
I could not believe it I thought I was dreaming So I feel I have the best of both worlds

25 and ends at 11.

عيد الفطر يوم الخميس في هذه الدول
I usually wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or cardigan and boots in the winter, or a skirt and blouse in the summer
وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية: عيد المولد النبوي يوم الخميس 29 أكتوبر 2020
This day is hard to forget in my life
تعبير بالانجليزي عن يوم سعيد
I can not forget that day he was born on Sunday and this was a very happy day in my life
In the afternoon, I go out with my family to the cinema Working at home can be very convenient and I love being able to talk to people around the world
I walk to the bus stop I then catch the bus back home and spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook dinner

I sometimes do some shopping before I walk back to school.

ترتيب واسماء ايام الاسبوع عند العرب في الجاهلية
I can not forget that day in my life
عيد الفطر يوم الخميس في هذه الدول
it was very good news that made me so happy
تعبير بالانجليزي عن يوم سعيد
After lunch, I read a book
Then we go for dinner in a restaurant 15, and then I pay my fare and sit down
I like to eat rice or pasta with a sauce After that, I come back home

I get off the bus and walk to the school where I teach English.

that day was so special and I can not forget it because it was a very good day in my life
ايام الاسبوع بالانقلش
Sometimes he cooks dinner before I get home, and sometimes I cook
ايام الاسبوع بالانقلش
I get up at 6