زيت جوز الهند للشعر. استخدام زيت جوز الهند على شعرك وبشرتك

Or, mix lemon juice and coconut oil, then apply the mixture to the scalp
Method: You can boil some sage leaves in coconut oil and then apply the mixture on the scalp, and you will get strong hair Coconut oil treats damaged hair Studies have shown that coconut oil contains lauric acid in a large proportion When applied to the scalp, it reduces protein from damaged hair, treating damaged hair and making it easier for oils to reach the hair shaft

You can apply coconut oil directly to the scalp before or after showering.

هل زيت جوز الهند مفيد أم مُضر للشعر؟
It moisturizes the scalp When applying coconut oil to your scalp and massaging it in circular motions, this will moisturize your scalp, soften and shine hair, and reduce sweating as well
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