يتميز المركب العضوي لاحتوائه على. عسل رشوف مصدره

Astrid Nehlig 2015 , , British Medical Journal, Issue 2, Folder 16, Page 89-95 Leila Khalaj, Sara Nejad, Marzieh Mohammadi and others 11-7-2013 , , BioMed Research International, Folder 2013
Yangbo Sun, Buyun Liu, Yang Du, and others 3-12-2018 , , Nutrients, Issue 12, Folder 10, Page 1877

Martha Morris, Yamin Wang, Lisa Barnes and others 16-1-2018 , , Neurology , Issue 3, Folder 90, Page 1.

ما هو الغذاء الرئيسي للدماغ
Richard Hartman, Aartie Shah, Anne Fagan and others 12-2006 , , Neurobiology of Disease, Issue 3, Folder 24, Page 506-515
ما هو الطعام العضوي
International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences
فوائد العسل وأضراره: ملف موثق علميا وشامل
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
Walter Crinnion 4-2010 , , Alternative Medicine Review: a Journal of Clinical Therapeutic , Issue 1, Folder 15, Page 4-12 Spencer, and others 27-3-2014 , , British Journal of Cancer, Issue 9, Folder 110, Page 2321—2326
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia US National Library of Medicine

Shrikant Mishra, Kalpana Palanivelu 2008 , , Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, Issue 1, Folder 11, Page 13—19.

مركب عضوي
Georgina Crichton, Merrill Elias, Ala'a Alkerwid 1-5-2016 , , Appetite , Folder 100, Page 126-132
يتميز المركب العضوي باحتوائه على
Life Support Technology Group, New York, USA
دليل المزارع الى التسميد العضوي
Ischa Kummeling, Carel Thijs, Machteld Huber, and others 1-3-2008 , , British Journal Of Nutrition, Issue 3, Folder 99, Page 598-605
Emmanuelle Kesse-Guyot, Julia Baudry, Karen Assmann, and others 2017 , , British Journal of Nutrition , Issue 2, Folder 117, Page 325—334 Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
MGM Medical College and MY Hospital, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India Cyrus Raji, Kirk Erickson, Oscar Lopez and others 10-2014 , , American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Issue 4, Folder 47, Page 444—451

Shibu Poulose, Marshall Miller, Barbara Hale 4-2014 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Issue 4, Folder 144, Page 561S—566S.

دليل المزارع الى التسميد العضوي
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia
فوائد العسل وأضراره: ملف موثق علميا وشامل
DEVORE and others 5-2014 , , The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, Issue 5, Folder 18, Page 496—502
مركب عضوي
Elizabeth Devore, Jae Kang, Monique Breteler and others 26-4-2012 , , Annals of Neurology, Issue 1, Folder 72, Page 135-143