برج الحوت بالانجليزي. الحوت بالانجليزي

Morrel, Virginia 30 January 2012 "Predation of Belugas and Narwhals by Polar Bears in Nearshore Areas of the Canadian High Arctic"
Ralls, Katherine; Mesnick, Sarah 1984 "Satellite-monitored movements of humpback whales in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean"

Klinowska, Margaret; Cooke, Justin 1991.

اسماء الابراج بالانجليزي
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برج الحوت
"Ecology of Whale Falls at the Deep-Sea Floor"
برج الحوت
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
UNEP Marine Mammal Technical Report Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Stockton, Nick 19 July 2016 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Boisserie, Jean-Renaud; Lihoreau, Fabrice; Brunet, Michel 2005.

اسماء الابراج بالانجليزي , اسامي الابراج الفلكيه بالانجليش
Stonehouse, Bernard 5 October 2007
اسماء الابراج بالانجليزي , اسامي الابراج الفلكيه بالانجليش
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review
برج الحوت
The blue whale The blue whale is one of the largest known animals living on the planet, it is one of the marine mammals and its scientific name Balaenoptera musculus , and weighs between -150 tons to 170 tons, it