تعريف الكون. الكون

In February 1989, for example, the front-page article of the New York Times Book Review argued that scientists argued that scientists and novelists were returning to God, in large part through the influence of the Big Bang IUTAM Turbulent Mixing and Combustion
"Expansion of the Universe — Standard Big Bang Model" Lynds, Peter 10 January 2012

"The Origin of Chemical Elements".

كيف نشأ الكون
"Nine-Year Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe WMAP Observations: Final Maps and Results"
ما هي الأبعاد في الكون؟ وما هو تعريفها؟
"Phantom Energy and Cosmic Doomsday"
The second section discusses the classic tests of the Big Bang theory that make it so compelling as the likely valid description of our universe
Astro2010: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey "A Homogeneous universe of Constant Mass and Growing Radius Accounting for the Radial Velocity of Extragalactic Nebulae"
Amos, Jonathan 19 June 2014 George F R Ellis 2007-08-08

It will be clear that this type of argument relates directly to modern cosmological research, particularly the "big bang" theory of the origins of the cosmos.

الانفجار العظيم
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
مفاهيم عن الكون
"Simulations of Structure Formation in the Universe"
تعريف الفضاء
The Inflationary Universe: Quest for a New Theory of Cosmic Origins
"On the Curvature of Space" The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time
International Journal of Modern Physics E Kolb and Turner 1988 , chapter 7• Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Kolb and Turner 1988 , chapter 6• "The COBE Mission: Its Design and Performance Two Years after the launch".

تعريف الكون
Annals of the Scientific Society of Brussels
كيف نشأ الكون
"Is the Age Problem Resolved? "Wave Function of the Universe"
تعريف الكون
Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press