الجمهورية الجديدة. The New Republic

New Republic Anthology: 1914—1935, 1936 During Lane's tenure, the occurred
," and "We do not have enough information to provide a traffic estimate

Kinsley and Hertzberg editorships, 1979—1991 [ ] , a , was editor 1979—1981, 1985—1989 , alternating twice with the more leftleaning 1981—1985; 1989—1991.

The New Republic
Spencer Ackerman [ ] In 2006, associate editor was fired by editor Franklin Foer
The New Republic
Through the 1980s and 1990s, the magazine incorporated elements of the and
The New Republic
They have bought into the central ideological proposition, peddled by and consultants aligned with the conservative movement, that America is an incorrigible "center-right" nation, and they have precious little strategy or inclination to move that consensus leftward—to fight, in other words, to change the national consensus; the sort of activity that was once understood as 'politics'"
Peretz has written that Lane ultimately "put the ship back on its course," for which Peretz said he was "immensely grateful " The magazine won the respect of many conservative opinion leaders
"Feast of the Wingnuts: How economic crackpots devoured American politics" After the 1996 election, served as editor for a year

Ruth Shalit plagiarism [ ] In 1995, writer was fired for repeated incidents of and an excess of factual errors in her articles.

The New Republic
The magazine was sold in February 2016 to , under whom the publication has returned to a more progressive stance
The New Republic
Pareene, Alex June 20, 2019
The New Republic
Foer, Franklin December 10, 2007
" Sullivan also published a number of pieces by Pete Buttigieg article [ ] On July 12, 2019, gay writer wrote an article for The New Republic critical of , a candidate, in which he repeatedly referred to Buttigieg as "Mary Pete", which he described as the "gay equivalent of ", saying, "Pete and I are just not the same kind of gay
DeLong, Brad September 1, 2006 Davidson, Telly August 31, 2017

held the editor's position between 1997 and 1999.

The New Republic
Media observers noted a less uniformly pro-Israel tone in the magazine's coverage than its editorial stance during Peretz's ownership
The New Republic
Under Hughes, the magazine became less focused on "," with more cultural coverage and attention to visuals
The New Republic
During the 1960s, the magazine opposed the but also often criticized the