To know about Derayah Global Plus | United States Exchange Traded Options Derayah will send Derayah Global clients a comprehensive monthly report which shows all movements, trades, commissions paid, and all relevant information concerning the account |
A customer-oriented investment strategy is developed in line with the client's objectives, conditions and risk requirements | All portfolio assets remain the property of the client |
IOC is valid for market or limit orders.
1IOC: Any portion of an Immediate-or-Cancel order that is not filled as soon as it becomes available in the market will be canceled | DAY: A Day order will be canceled if it is not executed by the close of the trading day |
GTC — A Good-Til-Canceled order will continue to work within the system and in the marketplace until it is executed or canceled by the customer | Unless otherwise specified, every order is a Day order |
OPG: Use OPG to send a market-on-open MOO or limit-on-open LOO order.