جنات عدن. جنات عدن في القرآن الكريم.. صفات وخصوصيات

English - Sahih International : [For them are] gardens of perpetual residence which they will enter They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls and their garments therein will be silk• This commentary is supported by the Qur'anic context, for a little below about those who are contrasted with the heirs of the Book, it has been said: "And for those who have disbelieved, there is the fire of Hell Likewise, Hell has been mentioned as the punishment of those people also who violate the provisions of the Divine Law of Inheritance
Melayu - Basmeih : Balasan mereka ialah Syurga syurga " Adn " yang mereka akan masukinya; mereka dihiaskan di dalamnya dengan gelanggelang tangan dari emas dan mutiara; dan pakaian mereka di situ adalah dari sutera• Italiano - Piccardo : Entreranno nei Giardini di Eden ornati di bracciali d'oro e di perle e saranno di seta i loro vestiti• And obviously, the Companions could not have said any such thing in such matters unless they had heard it from the Holy Prophet himself Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia : Bagi mereka surga 'Adn mereka masuk ke dalamnya di dalamnya mereka diberi perhiasan dengan gelanggelang dari emas dan dengan mutiara dan pakaian mereka didalamnya adalah sutera• The Holy Prophet said: Those who have excelled in good works shall enter Paradise without; and those who arc following the middle course, shall be subjected to accountability; but their accountability shall be light

'" In this Hadith the Holy Prophet has himself given a complete commentary of the verse under discussion, and stated separately the end to be met by each of the three groups of the believers.

جنات عدن
For instance, Allah Himself has declared that the believer who kills another believer wilfully shall go to Hell
ما هي جنة عدن؟
جنات عدن کجاست؟
But the majority of the commentators opine that it is related with the whole preceding discourse, which means that all the three classes of the Ummah shall eventually enter Paradise, whether without accountability, or afar the accountability, whether remaining secure from every punishment, or after receiving some punishment
That is, the ones who excel in good duds are the best of the people and they alone will enter the Gardens Several crimes have been mentioned in the Qur'an and Hadith, whose perpetrator will go to Hell in spite of his faith
As for those who have been unjust to themselves, they shall be detained throughout the long period of Resurrection and accountability mahshar " This shows that there is Paradise for all those who have believed in the Hook, and Hell for all those who have refused to believe in it

" In other words, they will be exposed to all the severities and rigours of the lengthy Day of Resurrection and God alone knows how lengthy it will be! Swahili - Al-Barwani : Mabustani ya milele watayaingia Huko watavikwa vikuku vya dhahabu na lulu na nguo zao humo ni za hariri• " Besides these, some other major sins also have been mentioned in Hadith, whose perpetrator shall go to Hell.

ما هي جنة عدن؟
Somali - Abduh : Jannada cadnin yeyna gali iyagoo loogu xidhi dhexdeed asaawir wax loogu xarragoodo oo dahab iyo Jawharba leh dhar kooduna dhexdeeda waa xariir• till Allah Almighty will turn to them in His mercy and command at the rising of the Court that they too be admitted into Paradise
ما هي جنة عدن؟
As for those "who will be detained throughout the period of Resurrection and accountability because they had been unjust to themselves," it means: They will not be thrown into Hell, but will be sentenced to be detained "till the rising of the Court
أين تقع جنة عدن
Those who devour interest even after its prohibition have been declared to be "the dwellers of Hell