الورم الحميد. ورم الدماغ

Cancer nursing: principles and practice Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Munich: Zuckschwerdt: Surgical Treatment: Evidence-Based and Problem-Oriented Wujcik, Debra; Yarbro, Connie Henke; Barbara H

"Will the real Cowden syndrome please stand up again? 67 Pt 1 : 87—96.

الفرق بين الورم الحميد والخبيث
Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine
طرق علاج الأورام الحميدة
Russell R Lonser, MD 2009 , Neurofibromatosis type 2, Lancet
الفرق بين ورم المبيض الحميد والخبيث
Adult central nervous system tumors treatment
2009 Jul; 61 1 : 1—16 Quality of life and patient-reported outcomes following proton radiation therapy: A systematic review
Ross and Wilson anatomy and physiology in health and illness Ramzi Cotran; Vinay Kumar; Tucker Collins 1999

"Radiotherapy for benign brain tumours coming of age; example of vestibular schwannoma".

ورم الدماغ
"Hamartoma: on occasion a rapidly growing tumor of the lung"
ما هي الاورام الحميدة
Wilson, Kathleen Atkins; Waugh, Anne; Chambers, Graeme; Grant, Allison; Ross, Janet 2006
أعراض الورم الحميد الأكثر انتشاراً
Korf, MD, PhD, and Amy Theos, MD 2009 , Neurofibromatosis type 1, J Am Acad Dermatol